Every Sunday 13:30 - 16:30 MW3 with THE SARGE
Every Saturday 14:30 starting 10th December BF3 with THE SARGE (depending on how many turn up, if not enough will switch to special ops training in MW3)
Commander Training
You will need to send an application to me to be considered for commander training through PSN, Blog or Email.
Every applicant has to do all special forces missions
1 chance per mission
The highest 5 scores at the end will be selected as commanders.
Commander training will start next Sunday 4/12/11 for 2 weeks until 18/12/11. It will be before Sundays clan match 12:00 - 13:00 and week days as when you and I are available.
You will be sent a message via PSN to do special forces training and you are expected to turn up immediately.
Failure to turn up = deselection from training.
Commander Benefits
- Make your own squad ie sniper/ close quarter combat etc..
- Pick your own team
- Become a blog author, so you can post your own videos and messages
- Free map access
Once squad commanders have been selected their match days and times will be posted on the blog.
The COD Elite clan operation enlistments and schedule's will be posted after Monday 28/11/11 so check back after then.